2024 VGWC Tee Sheet

October 23 - Open Play Date - Wed, October 23

Village Greens of Woodridge / Red - Ladies
Time Players
Village Greens of Woodridge
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Baldwin, Mary Kay
9:48 AM Red - Ladies May, Chris + Volf, Paulette
Hall, Cathy
9:39 AM Red - Ladies Jaranowski, Kim + Mortlock, Mary
Heggie, Donna
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Kocinski, Janice + Ward, Liz
Jaranowski, Kim
9:39 AM Red - Ladies Hall, Cathy + Mortlock, Mary
Kocinski, Janice
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Heggie, Donna + Ward, Liz
May, Chris
9:48 AM Red - Ladies Baldwin, Mary Kay + Volf, Paulette
Mortlock, Mary
9:39 AM Red - Ladies Hall, Cathy + Jaranowski, Kim
Volf, Paulette
9:48 AM Red - Ladies Baldwin, Mary Kay + May, Chris
Ward, Liz
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Heggie, Donna + Kocinski, Janice